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Male Hormone Balancing and Telemedicine

What Are Signs of Men’s Hormones Out of Balance?

Early warning signs of imbalanced hormones in males may include some or all of the following:

  • Brittle, weak bones
  • Changes in heart rate and blood pressure
  • Dry skin or rashes
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Excessive sweating
  • Frequent urination or bowel movements
  • Gynecomastia (breast tissue enlargement)
  • Headaches
  • Hot flashes
  • Increased thirst
  • Loss of libido (sex drive)
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  • Prolonged fatigue
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Sudden, unexplained weight loss

Too much or too little hormones has a cascading effect throughout the body, affecting one’s heart rate, body temperature, metabolism, mood, sleep cycles, sexual function, and overall wellness. Although hormone levels naturally fluctuate over time, adverse health effects may arise due to stress, injury, illness, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or genetic factors.

If you are experiencing symptoms of male hormonal imbalance, it’s important to speak with a physician to address your concerns right away. With board-certified physicians at MensARX™ on call, help is just a quick, convenient telemedicine call away! Continue reading to learn more about male hormone balancing consultations and treatments.

Types of Male Hormone Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance in men may be categorized into one of four types:

  • Andropause: Male menopause, which affects roughly 30% of men in their 50s. Complications include potential cardiovascular injury and osteoporosis.
  • Hypothyroidism: Up to 16% of men have an underactive thyroid gland, which can lead to heart disease, infertility, and even death if left untreated.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Most often caused by Graves’ Disease, overactive thyroid gland is 5x more common in women and affects just 0.1% of the male population, increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction, atrial fibrillation, and congestive heart failure.
  • Low Testosterone: Two out of every 100 men may suffer from low testosterone, whether they are aware of it or not. Potential risks include poor mental and sexual health, osteoporosis, heart disease, and premature death from any cause.

How is a Male Hormone Imbalance Test Performed?

A hormone imbalance test for male patients may include:

  • Blood test
  • MRI
  • Physical exam
  • Sperm count test
  • Thyroid scan
  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray

An at-home test kit can use saliva, blood, or urine to measure cortisol, thyroid, and sex hormones. While these tests can be helpful indicators of whether a male hormone imbalance may be present, a doctor can provide a more complete and conclusive diagnosis, not to mention the male hormone support you need to have a successful outcome.

What Causes Hormonal Imbalance in Men?

Aging plays an undeniable role on hormone imbalance in men. Consider this: hormone decline begins at age 20, and by age 40, most men retain only 50% of their original growth hormone level. By age 80, they typically retain only 5%.

Additional factors that may cause endocrine system malfunction include:

  • Activity levels
  • Allergic reactions
  • Anorexia or obesity
  • Cancer treatments
  • Chronic or prolonged stress
  • Endocrine gland injury
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Medications
  • Overuse of steroids
  • Pancreatitis
  • Pituitary tumors
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Type I or Type II diabetes

What Is Hormone Balancing?

Males and Females have both testosterone and estrogen hormones. As your testosterone treatment increases you to the appropriate physiological levels as measured by blood lab analysis, you may find that your estrogen increase as well. This can cause a variety of conditions if the hormones are not balanced.

Emotional changes, appetite changes, and a condition known as gynecomastia (enlarge of the male breasts may occur in some people without proper hormone balancing. At Mens ARX™ we monitor your hormones for proper physiological balancing as your treatment regimen progresses to attempt to inhibit any and all adverse reactions that may come from simply increasing your testosterone level.

Why is Hormone Balance for Men Necessary?

Hormone imbalance can be an early warning sign for a number of health conditions, so it’s always important to discuss any symptoms you’re having with a medical professional. For instance, low testosterone not only results in decreased energy, strength, stamina, and sexual performance. Studies have shown a link between testosterone hormone imbalance and serious health conditions like coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

What Treatment Options Might There Be for Male Hormone Balancing?

Hormonal imbalance male treatment may include:

  • Natural bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in pill, cream, gel, or patch form
  • Testosterone supplements in pill, cream, gel, patch, or injection form
  • Thyroid hormone therapy taken orally or injected
  • As testosterone increases, estrogen may as well. We may prescribe medication to manage this issue.

Male hormone imbalance natural treatment often includes increasing physical exercise, increasing protein and healthy fats, cutting down on refined sugar and carbs, and engaging in stress management techniques. In some cases, Supplements to balance male hormones may be advised. Supplementation can carry risks in certain populations, so one must always begin a daily regimen under a physician’s care. A men’s health doctor can customize the male hormone balancing treatment and therapies that are right for your unique situation.

MensARX™ Customized Treatment Solutions, Including Men’s Hormone Balancing

Join the future of online telemedicine, advanced diagnostics, and Rx prescribing plans. Its fast and easy to work with MensARX™. Simply call us at 888-MENSARX (888-636-7279) or fill out the form below to learn more about our broad range of male diagnostic and treatment services, including Hormonal imbalance in men treatment. While we work with major insurance providers, your initial consultation is free.

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MENS ARX™ Is The Future of Men's Diagnostic Health and Wellness Outcomes