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Hair Loss Therapy and Telemedicine

Whether you wear it long, short, buzzed, or razored—a healthy head of hair is a point of pride for many men. Sudden, unexplained hair loss is the stuff of nightmares—and also a reality for millions of men who are unaware that safe, effective hair growth treatments exist.

Learn more about hair loss therapy—conveniently available through a virtual consultation.

Hair Loss Statistics

If you’ve noticed your hair thinning or failing to regrow as quickly as it used to, you’re not imagining it. In fact, hair loss is ubiquitous worldwide. Consider these recent statistics:

  • 25% of men observe the first signs of hair loss before age 21.
  • Two-thirds of men notice obvious hair loss and thinning by age 35.
  • By 50 years of age, 53% of men will have moderate to extensive hair loss.
  • The hair loss rate increases to 70% by the time a man reaches 80.

Hair Loss Types and Causes

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia—of which there are several different types:

  • Androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness): a receding hairline and disappearance of hair at the crown caused by a genetic sensitivity to a byproduct of testosterone. This condition accounts for 95% of hair loss in men, says the American Hair Loss Association.
  • Involutional alopecia: a gradual thinning and shortening of the hair that occurs with age when the hair follicles enter the resting phase.
  • Alopecia areata: patchy hair loss arising from an autoimmune disorder, which could result in complete baldness or reverse course within a few years.
  • Telogen effluvium: a temporary thinning over the scalp that occurs between hair growth cycles, often in relation to stressors like childbirth, injury, illness, or trauma.

A small percentage of sudden hair loss in men is triggered by thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, iron or protein deficiencies, eating disorders, and anemia. Most often, hair regrows once the underlying cause is treated.

Men can also experience alopecia universalis where all the body hair begins falling out, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair, or scarring alopecia arising from inflammatory skin conditions such as cellulitis, folliculitis, acne, lupus, or lichen planus.

How is Hair Loss Diagnosed?

Typical male pattern hair loss can be diagnosed based on its pattern and physical presentation. Your physician will take a detailed medical history, which includes questions about your other health conditions, diet and lifestyle preferences, hair care routine, and the prevalence of hair loss within your family. While the genetic variation is typically passed down on the X chromosome from the mother, studies indicate a number of genes are involved in hair loss—some of which may come from your father’s side too.

Many male hair loss diagnoses can be made after a quick telemedicine call with a board-certified physician from your laptop or smartphone—without having to step foot in a doctor’s office.

Only in rare instances will a doctor request a blood test to rule out underlying causes, a biopsy to look for infection, a pull test to see which stage of shedding the hair is in, or light microscopy to assess a suspected hair shaft disorder.

How is Hair Loss Treated?

While genetic male pattern baldness cannot be prevented, there are hair loss treatments for men to slow down the process and encourage regrowth. Options include medications, laser therapy, and hair transplant surgery.

Hair loss treatment at home may include taking medications like:

  • Minoxidil (Rogaine, Loniten): This over-the-counter, nonprescription formula comes as a liquid, foam, or shampoo that is applied to wet hair, twice daily. After six months of hair loss treatment for men, further hair loss may stop and new hair regrow. It may take a few months after that to determine whether the treatment was successful. If it works for your situation, you will need to continue using the product indefinitely.
  • Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar): This prescription drug is taken daily as a pill, which may take a few months before you notice slowed hair loss and hair regrowth. If it works, you’ll need to keep taking it to continue reaping the benefits. Research has shown that finasteride 1 mg prevented further hair loss in 83% of the men after two years—and 66% of men reported some hair regrowth. Taking Finasteride 5mg daily for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) may also increase hair growth significantly in over approximately 40% of men.

If a hair loss drug doesn’t provide the results you’d hoped for, a physician may refer you for hair transplant surgery or laser treatment for thinning hair. If you’re wondering how to prompt hair regrowth for men naturally, a physician can also provide customized recommendations like massage or essential oil therapy you can try first.

Treat Hair Loss with MensARX™ Customized Treatment Solutions for all Male Health Concerns

It’s fast and easy to work with MensARX™. Contact us via the Request Appointment form below to learn more about how our Men’s Advanced RX™ Doctors can address your male hair loss concerns and provide a diagnosis via a face-to-face confidential telemedicine appointment on your phone or laptop.

If necessary, we can order appropriate blood analysis lab results from a lab convenient to you, review the results, and make appropriate therapeutic diagnoses and recommendations for your specific health concerns. We also can provide you with a local pharmacy where you can buy finasteride for hair loss, send a script to your preferred pharmacy, or deliver medications by mail order pharmacy.

Improve your health today! We are the future of online telemedicine, advanced online diagnostics, and flexible Rx prescribing plans. Call us at 888-MENSARX (888-636-7279) or fill out the form below to request a free initial consultation and learn more about our broad range of telemedicine services for male hair loss treatment.

Learn more about how Mens Advanced RX™ can help you reach your wellness goals by reviewing our other services.

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MENS ARX™ Is The Future of Men's Diagnostic Health and Wellness Outcomes